But after a few months, he decided that he didn't have the drive or time to continue. Dyox, one of the main official WAR developers, decided to make his own private server. Some people dedicated their time and resources to keep this fabulous game alive. Since the closing of the official servers ( December 18, 2013). Post like this is certainly not asking for civil discussion, but rather for report or ban.Return of Reckoning is a Warhammer Online free-to-play private server. A common site used by hackers and other scum. (which you're not.) Why did you register the domain using Domains By Proxy. We are also not hosted in Russia and I assure you that we are just as beholden to relevant data regulations as anyone else is. Like any reputable server, we hash your passwords. Secondly for Veexer_Nui: No, we can't see your passwords in plain text. We post our bans publicly, along with the reasons for them. His posts can easily be found via our forums. I just wanted to reply to a few things.įirstly, Gorwe's post is bitterness over his being banned for making a series of extremely inflammatory, rage-filled and entitled posts in the midst of a complete tantrum meltdown over our lack of focus on PvE, and it should be disregarded. This is Azarael, one of the devs on the server. Play it if you want, just set your expectations to low. Look like they somehow got to do this for them. What they need to do is get the word out. The more people queued up for scenarios left less people out to play world pvp. They chased people out of T4 due to that and many people quit or just queued up for scenarios. When you consider they upped the cap to 40/80 making RR harder to get was painful. When tier 4 was added, it became extremely hard to take down keeps without a significant imbalance. Not to mention, they keep changing the rules/settings on the system. Now that legion is out, it might drop even lower. As a result of a long break due to those two events, they went from having around 1500 players at peak times down to 700. Then they decided to replace their server with a much better one and were down for three weeks due to that. They were getting hit by ddos attacks for a while. Well a bit of background from my understanding.

I'm a little confused on this article.this whole thing is a private server as the author said, yea?