Then arrived our hero, The Sims 4, in the exact year. The sequel reached validity on September 2, 2014, in North America for Microsoft Windows.

‘ The Sims‘ is a crucial word in the world of video games.

There is also a mod available on PC that lets players add more pregnancies into the game, which can help them achieve the desired result if they are unable to do so any other way… This can be done by using cheats or other methods that allow you to control your sim’s life and relationships without playing through the game. Players often make their sims have babies at an early age to either create a family with another sim or just for fun. In the Sims series, teenage pregnancy has been a common occurrence in almost all of the games. While there are many options out there, we were disappointed to find out about one of the newest ones: your Sims can now be gay or lesbian! As much as our kids enjoy creating new stories in The Sims 4, it will be impossible to allow them to play this game This latest installment has so much variety that it’s hard to choose just one aspect you enjoy best creating new families from scratch teaches kids how important it is to be supportive friends and build strong communities while dealing with teen pregnancies helps them understand what a tough decision that is for the parent and child. The most exciting thing about playing the newest addition to The Sims series of games (Sims 4) is being able to make them grow up faster than ever before in order for us fans not have to wait another four years until we’re finally given what we want: more control over our characters’ lives. You can play as your favorite Sim, create their family relationships, plan for their education or careers- all before they become an adult! The Sims 4 is a popular video game with many features and expansions.