If you haven’t had the privilege of using any Black Powder weapons yet, then prepare to smile with glee at the amount of damage these antiques put out. Black Powder Pistol, Rifle, and Blunderbuss Cal Machine Gun sat there, waiting for you to take it. Follow the main road south-east and you’ll come across a parked truck with some sandbags on the back and the 50. Simply, head up toward Grafton, then go north-east to the Clarksburg Shooting Club. There’s one location where the 50.Cal Machine Gun will spawn almost every time. It deals 20 damage per shot but with a fire rate of 91, that equates to over 180 damage per second. It’s not great at killing enemies from far away, but once you get up close and you have enough ammo to spare, it’s a monstrous member of the big guns weapons category. Cal Machine Gun is your bog-standard LMG that you’d expect find in other first-person shooters.

Plus, legendary weapons aren’t much more exciting than their standard variants with little more than a neat stat and a star next to the weapon’s name to signal its rarity. The problem is that legendary equipment is often worse than what you’re already using unless you get very lucky with the mod it comes with. Looking for some of the rarest Fallout 76 weapons around? Fallout 76 follows the same rule as Fallout 4 when it comes to acquiring legendary weapons and gear: you’re guaranteed one whenever you kill a legendary enemy, indicated by the star next to their name.