Occasionally, the Outcasts would also launch attack against Enclave, but they were not very organized. The Brotherhood Outcasts were also attacked by the Enclave on patrols. James was among those killed, and the Lone Wanderer and the other survivors escaped to The Citadel. However, in 2277, Colonel Augustus Autumn led an attack on the Jefferson Memorial, and took over Project Purity, as part of their plan to "purify" the wasteland.

For twenty years, there was no interaction between the two factions, leading many to suspect the Enclave radio broadcasts were on an old loop. The Enclave, now under the leadership of president John Henry Eden, plotted in secret at Raven Rock. In 2257, the Enclave commenced a propaganda campaign against the Brotherhood. Under the leadership of Owyn Lyons the Brotherhood began combating the local super mutants, unaware of the rebuilding Enclave. When the Brotherhood arrived in the Columbia Commonwealth area in 2255, they did not yet know that the Enclave, who were defeated by the California chapter of the Brotherhood and the New California Republic sixteen years ago, had fled to the Columbia Commonwealth, establishing a headquarters at the pre-war U.S military base Raven Rock. The Capital Wasteland BOS-Enclave War was a military conflict in 2277 between the Brotherhood of Steel and The Enclave. * The Enclave destroyed and scattered into small remnants Capital Wasteland, Maryland / the Virginias Regardless, we have plenty of info on each of the five Factions that you’ll come across while playing Fallout 76.Washington, D.C. Problem is, Bethesda has been pretty secretive about the main story of Fallout 76, and how players will interact with Factions and NPCs (if there are any). Not only that but there are some returning fan favorites to interact with. Fallout 76 Factionsīethesda has revealed that Fallout 76 will indeed feature Factions. It covers the Fallout 76 Beta Start Times, Preload and details on the Xbox One Timed Exclusivity. For details on how to do so, be sure to check out our Fallout 76 Beta Guide. If you’re looking to try out Fallout 76 before official release, you’ll need to head into the Fallout 76 Beta. We’ll take a look at the descriptions of each one, and wager where on the map you’ll be able to find them.

In this Fallout 76 Factions Guide, we’ve collected everything we know about the five Factions present in Fallout 76. Factions have also had somewhat of a rethink, and while they do feature in Fallout 76, it’s unclear as to whether they’ll operate in the same way as before. Everything from Perks to Base Building has had an overhaul, retooled to suit the new style of play. Fallout 76 puts an online multiplayer spin on a bunch of tried and tested Fallout features and systems.