Among those are the AER and AEP series of Laser Arms. When Obsidian made Fallout: New Vegas, they added it in, though didn't add it to every weapon. However, with a better, more versatile arsenal of weapons, ammo, and a superior and expanded weapon modding system, New Vegas' gameplay can become much more fun It introduced a weapon modification system, which was not the greatest, but it was a start.
New Vegas undoubtedly has the largest collection of base weapons seen in a modern Fallout game. Browse all chevron_right Browse all chevron_right. Log in to view your list of favourite games. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Learn from the community with tutorials and guides. Mod updates Recent activity chevron_right. Gameplay Effects/Changes English User Interface New Vegas Script Extender (NVSE. Original upload 18 November 2011 11:57PM. Download: Manual 0 of 0 File information. One HUD combines my three previou HUD mods: iHUD, aHUD and pHUD into one single easy to install One HUD - oHUD. Fallout New Vegas Mods User Interfaces One HUD - oHUD One HUD - oHUD. The aim of Immersive HUD is to provide the immersive feel you get from having no HUD, whilst keeping the usefulness of having one. When you install this you get three mods listed in MCM: Immersive HUD, Adjustable HUD and Extra HUD (formerly know as Primary Needs HUD). For those of you who enjoyed using all three, but wished they would just come in one handy mod, this is it. One HUD (oHUD) is the final coming together of all my HUD mods. Home Onehud new vegas One HUD - oHUD at Fallout New Vegas - mods and communit